Post 03: The plot
Life Begin
At the beginning, my parent always told me the story of how I was born. They were so excited to be having a bundle of joy. They would tell me that my dad said "welcome to the world" lifting me in the air. I was born in Macon, Ga and raised by both of parents.
Growing up
Middle school was easy and very simple. I had a lot of loving friends and teacher that care about me. I was in a Catholic school where I had to wear a burgundy and white uniform. I also found out that really loves basketball in middle and I was very good at it. Middle when by so fast in a blank of an eye I was in high school. In high school very quiet and by myself 2 years in high school. Junior and Senior years was the hard year of my life. I when through depression, having hard time knowing if want to go to college and loose the love of playing basketball.
For the past year, I have move on and have trying to make my life better. I have gotten over my depression, I have chosen the path of college but trying to figure if I have the love of basketball yet.
In the future I don't know what I going to be or going to do. One thing that I do know is that I will travel to state and countries to see the beautiful world.
I chose the plot off of "The Hit Man" because show the important part of the story. I also like how it uses traditional layout in the short story.
Hello! I am glad that things are better. I definitely agree with you when you say that you love the traditional layout for how it was written also. From what I have seen, there are very few short stories that I have read that had a layout like this, if I had read them then it was most likely back in middle school which I hardly remember as is. How often have you read short stories like "The hitman"? If so when and what exactly did you like about them aside from the layout? I hope you also enjoy your future endeavors! Have a nice day!