
Showing posts from February, 2022


The theme of my life is working hard to achieve my goals. I am a female. My femininity is an important part of my life. I go to the gym to work out so I can be in the best health that I can be in. I had gained some weight during the COVID pandemic. So, I'm trying to lose some weight to get back to my original weight goal. Also, working out is another way for me to relieve stress while I pursue my goals.   Also, I'm working hard in school because I have set goals that I want to accomplish. My goal is to be able to take care of myself financially. Being a female, it is important to be able to provide for yourself and not depend on your significant other. It's OK to work together as a team but in the event, it doesn't work out I will be able to provide for myself.


I wear a pendant with a cross my parents gave me for a birthday present. I wear the pendant daily. This was a special present at the time I received it I was a student at St. Peter Claver. The pendant represents faith and my family beliefs. For most Christian the cross represent salvation. Back in the day, the cross was used to torture and kill. Now the cross represents different thing to people. The cross represents peace, love and forgiveness.


The psychology of Ursula K. Le Guin's story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas." in the setting fantasy. Le Guin's criticism of society is how the people had bad habitat celebrate pain over pleasure, violence over peace, and despair over delight. The people of Omela believe it would cause reduce their happiness and easy life if they treated the child well.

Post 4 Flash Fiction

I live in the house with my parents. One evening my parents went out to dinner. I set the alarm on the house.  I went to my bedroom and started watching  television. Around 10:30 that night I heard a weird noise, I got up and checked the cameras, all I saw was trees moving it sound  like the wind was howling. All of a sudden,  the room went dark. A storm was brewing outside,  and the  electricity went  out.  I was afraid because I heard the noise again. I became anxious.  I grabbed my cell phone ran to my bedroom and I locked the door.  I called my parents my dad said he didn't see anything on the cameras from his view. He was  looking at  the exterior view of the house his cell phone. He advised me not  to worry everything is OK.  The noise was louder and getting closer to my room. Someone turned my doorknob very slowly and was trying to enter my bedroom. I began screaming as loud as I could. The door opened and I sa...