
The theme of my life is working hard to achieve my goals. I am a female. My femininity is an important part of my life. I go to the gym to work out so I can be in the best health that I can be in. I had gained some weight during the COVID pandemic. So, I'm trying to lose some weight to get back to my original weight goal. Also, working out is another way for me to relieve stress while I pursue my goals.  Also, I'm working hard in school because I have set goals that I want to accomplish. My goal is to be able to take care of myself financially. Being a female, it is important to be able to provide for yourself and not depend on your significant other. It's OK to work together as a team but in the event, it doesn't work out I will be able to provide for myself.


  1. I like the theme of your life. Achieving our goals is something we all must learn to do. It is even harder to achieve certain goal, being a female. Covid-19 has impacted many people's lives. Since you are committed to your goal, you will accomplish it. Your theme sounds amazing, and seems like it is a journey well-worth taking. Taking care of yourself financially is extremely important because it speaks volume and stability. Your theme is heading in the right direction. Continue to apply yourself and achieve your goals.

  2. Awesome your post reminds me a lot of myself and how I am in life too the gym, individual stability, and growth are most important. Keep up the great work.


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