"What will your verse be?" My verse will be never giving up because great things take time. This is what I believe wholeheartedly. I practice this in my life every day. I set goals and I pursue them, and I never let anything stop me from achieving my goal. I am going to school to become a nurse. I know that I have a long journey ahead of me. I'm excited to pursue a career that help other people. I serve and assistance the elders in my family. We live in a fast-paced world, and everybody is on the go. People are looking for the shortcut. I want to complete the process as a whole so I can understand what I'm doing and be the best that I can be. Just like the story of the Tortoise and Hare, slow and steady win the race. Never give up because great things take time can be applied to any area of life just have a little patience. I am the source.
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