
Showing posts from January, 2022

Post 03: The plot

Life Begin   At the beginning, my parent always told me the story of how I was born.  They were so excited to be having a bundle of joy. They would tell me that my dad said " welcome to the world" lifting me in the air.  I was born in Macon, Ga and raised by both of parents.  Growing up      Middle school was easy and very simple. I had a lot  of loving friends  and teacher that care about me. I was in a Catholic school  where I had to wear a burgundy and white uniform. I also found out that really loves basketball in middle and I was very good at it. Middle when by so fast in a blank of an eye I was in high school. In high school very quiet and by myself 2 years in high school. Junior and Senior years was the hard year of my life. I when through depression, having hard time knowing if want to go to college and loose the love of playing basketball. Now      For the past year, I ...

Post 02: Literature and Me

I believe that literature will be relevant and important for nursing major and career. In nursing you will have to write description about the patient you have. For example, patient groups, ages, conditions / treatment , source of evidence / research design. Also, in nursing I believe that I need to know how to analysis and begin able to have researching skills.


Hey My name Tomia Slocumb. My nickname is Mia. I am 18 years old. I'm from Macon Georgia. I'm majoring in nursing. I like to go to the gym and watch movies.